The role of the board is to assist the Cumbria Pension Fund to comply with all the legislative requirements to ensure the scheme is being effectively and efficiently governed and managed.

The board members work with the Council in its role as an administering authority and with the pension fund’s officers to ensure that your pension scheme is being run properly and that you as a member get the best service.

To comply with requirements imposed by regulations which are enforced by the Pensions Regulator, the members of the local pension board are required to maintain their knowledge and understanding of the LGPS and pensions in general, so receive appropriate training.

The board must have an equal number of employer representatives and scheme member representatives.

Scheme member and employer representatives are appointed to the board for a term of 4 years (or in the case of elected member, for the remainder of their current term of office).

Planned dates for future Local Pension Board meetings are as follows:

Date Start Time Location
15-Apr-25 10:00 Council Chamber, Kendal Town Hall
08-Jul-25 10:00 Council Chamber, Kendal Town Hall
07-Oct-25 10:00 Council Chamber, Kendal Town Hall
16-Jan-26 10:00 Council Chamber, Kendal Town Hall

Details of previous agendas and minutes can be found here

Opens in new window previous agendas and minutes